Monday, May 10, 2010

One of Man’s Best Friends


Every morning we are awakened by the familiar noises of Juliet, the 13 year old Golden Retriever that allows us the privilege of living with her. Whether she wants to be fed or let out to do her business, she summons like clockwork. She is an alarm clock. She never fails, needs no adjustment, and is always on cue.

She amazes me. She’s always overwhelmingly excited to see us when we wake to address her needs, thrilled to get fed, relieved to be let out.. and then she is exhausted. The activity of 10-15 quick morning minutes completely wears her out. She’s spent and needs to be allowed a few hours of naptime.

She is both a puppy and senior, depending on the time of day, her mood, and general disposition. If treats are involved, it’s like the fountain of youth is now flowing through her veins. Riding in the car? Oh wow, you might think that we were going on tour of many messy pet stores where she’s allowed the duty of volunteer vacuum. She has predictable energy – which of course, we play off of.

This mornings post is dedicated to all of the dogs within mans life that bring us so much joy. In as much as Juliet’s persistent need for immediacy is sometimes a bit… I wouldn’t trade her for the world!

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