Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Other People’s Children

At a certain age in one’s life lies the act of deciding to, or deciding not to, have children. Of late, I have been increasingly aware of people, especially within my age group,  incorporating offspring into the general mix of their otherwise formerly quiet lives. I notice children more and more. Perhaps it is the fact that I know so many people personally that have children, or know more and more pregnant couples eagerly anticipating. I don’t know. Wherever I am, there is an infant, toddler, or little one roaming about discovering “the firsts” of lifes many discoveries to be experienced.

noah  cole2

This morning while leisurely walking Schoonmaker Beach and simultaneously talking to my sister on the phone about her boys, Noah and Cole (above), I couldn’t help but notice an especially happy pair of curious children playing in the sand and water. This particular couple of kids, one boy & one girl were completely immersed in the moment. I was so taken by their happiness, I asked their parents if I could take a couple of pictures with my iPhone. They agreed. I am forever fascinated with this level of “absolute satisfaction,” so easy as children, but difficult for adults, to re-claim. I love the non-contrived genuine simplicity of the exchange between them.

“Enjoy this time Jack & Sophie, enjoy it now not knowing what you have and won’t miss, until much, much, later! “

kids2 kids1

Later this morning my friend Nori (a brilliant architect: invited me for coffee at CIBO. She, her husband Jim, daughter Mia, and I, spent the better part of two hours catching up and discussing the comings and goings of our respective lives, and especially of Mia’s. Mia is has growing physically of course, but also in so many other ways. I’m amazed at her word choices mostly, but also to hear her speak of different acting engagements, modeling possibilities, and the various theatrical plays she’s been participating in. She speaks of Harry Potter and Hermione like they’ve known each other for years and how she put her hand in Marilyn Monroe’s when in Hollywood last week “looking at the stars.”

Whatever happened to the Mia Simone that wanted to get married and take a submarine to Paris? The one that wanted to eat watermelon and chicken salad sandwiches at our wedding reception? Watch out boys!!!

mia1 mia2 mia3

One of the gifts the universe has given me is the abundance of childlike enthusiasm I share when around other children. I am blessed with not only my own nephews, but the children of my friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Perhaps one of the greatest gifts I have is my ability to uproot myself for an hour, day, week.. and then step back while returning said children to their proper caregivers! It’s sort-of like having children of my own, but without the responsibility. I get to enter their world of fascination, “make believe,” and alternate-reality, but get leave when it suits me to do so.  I think taking on “other people’s children” suits me well. Who wants ice cream?!


  1. Mine are always available ... you and Nickie can have tons of fun while we are down :)

  2. Coffee is more my forte, but I could do the ice cream. I try and be a child at least once a week.

  3. @jan: Nico and I are going to have nautical adventures and mountain outings!

    @ anonymous: I'm game for coffee ice cream..
